Omega-3 Fish Oils and Blood Lipid Levels

Why was this study done? Population studies have long shown a lower incidence of heart disease in cultures who consume a large portion of their diet as cold-water fish. These observations have led to the hypothesis that omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA) might be responsible for the cardiovascular effects of these diets. This study was…

The Physiology of Human-Powered Flight

Why was this article written? Human-powered flight requires a well-designed machine, an well-trained athlete, and the proper fuel and fueling regime for that athlete. The Daedalus Project was an attempt to understand the limits of human physiology and how best to support an athlete performing at peak performance for long periods of time. The Physiology…

Determining Optimal Rehydration Formulas

Why was this study done? Astronauts commonly experience dehydration during long flights. It is important to understand the role of rehydration formulas and their ability to prevent dehydration (maintenance of plasma volume). This study was designed to better understand the role of differing concentrations of rehydration formulas on dehydrated subjects. What did the study find?…