Vitamin D

Vitamin D Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. Good food sources of vitamin D include: certain fish such as: salmon, mackerels, and sardines.1 Vitamin D can also be found

Vitamin E

…now currently named RRR-alpha tocopherol. d-Alpha-tocopheryl Acetate: d-Alpha-tocopheryl Acetate is produced by the combination of Vitamin E (d-Alpha tocopherol) and the organic acid, acetic acid. d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acid Succinate: d-Alpha-tocopheryl…

Vitamin K

…lactating women is 90 mcg, effective as of January 1st, 2020.5 Forms Phytonadione (Vitamin K1): Phytonadione (also called phylloqinone or phytomenadione) is a bioavailable form of vitamin K, found in…


Isomaltulose Isomaltulose is a slowly digested carbohydrate (disaccharide) found as a natural component of honey and sugar cane. It is exclusively made from sugar beets and prepared into a white…


…grape juice.1 Forms Boron Rice Protein Hydrolysate: Boron rice protein hydrolysate is a trace mineral-protein/amino acid–bound complex. It is produced by enzymatically hydrolyzing rice protein and then combining the resulting…

Stevia Extract

…rich in compounds called steviol glycosides (97% steviol glycosides). Rebaudioside A (Reb A) is the least bitter compound among these glycosides. Highly purified extracts containing Reb A are the only…

St. John’s Wort

…parts of the plant, which are gathered during the flowering season. A liquid extract of the herb is prepared by percolation of the ground clean herb, which is concentrated and…