Why was this study done?
This preliminary study (6 people) was designed to test the effects of a soy-based meal replacement and a 1200-calorie diet on measurements of long-term blood sugar control in diabetics using hemoglobin A-1C (HA-1C) as a measurement of control.
What did the study find?
Hemoglobin A-1C (HA-1C) improved in 3 of 4 people during the 5-6 week trail period.
Safety and Effect on Weight, Hemoglobin A-1C, Serum Glucose and Blood Pressure of a Liquid Formula Diet Combined with Traditional Food in Adult Diabetic Patients: A Pilot Study.
Authors: Dronkert A, Spiller GA. The 5th International Congress of Diabetes and Nutrition, 1984.
PDF Abstract: The 5th International Congress of Diabetes and Nutrition, 1984.