Timing Fluid Replacement for Athletes

Why was this study done? The timing of fluid replacement is of great interest to competitive athletes. This study was designed to understand how starting fluid replacement immediately upon exercising compared to starting fluid later and how these strategies would affect time to fatigue in competitive cyclists. What did the study find? A fluid replacement…

Uncovering the Ideal Formula for Rehydration

Why was this study done? Astronauts commonly experience dehydration during long flights. It is important to understand the role of rehydration formulas and their ability to prevent dehydration (maintenance of plasma volume). This study was designed to better understand the role of differing concentrations of rehydration formulas on dehydrated subjects. What did the study find?…

How to Best Rehydrate During Exercise

Why was this study done? Athletes who engage in long exercise bouts have an interest in sparing muscle glycogen (short-term storage of glucose) because of the dramatic reduction of energy output and fatigue that occurs when glycogen is depleted (known colloquially as “hitting the wall”). This study was designed to help understand how varying exercise…

Optimizing Post-Exercise Recovery

Why was this study done? The role of hormones (insulin, testosterone, growth hormone) in muscle building is fairly well established. What is less understood is the role of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fats) and their impact on those hormones. This study was designed to help understand the importance of post-exercise supplementation for anabolic hormone production. Participants…

What Drives Our Thirst?

Why was this study done? It has long been thought that thirst and dehydration sensations are regulated by plasma osmolality (concentration of electrolytes). This study was designed to help understand the mechanisms underlying thirst. What did the study find? That the act of drinking produces a neural response (through  a hormone called norepinephrine) that alerts…

Dehydration and Fatigue in Athletes

Why was this study done? Dehydration is thought to play an important role in the management of fatigue for athletes. This study was designed to help understand the role of rehydration formulas, their relationship to plasma volume, and fatigue. What did the study find? The formula (AA) provided the larger pre-exercise volume, greater acid-buffering, and…